American Top 40 (commonly abbreviated to AT40) is an internationally syndicated, independent song countdown radio program created by Casey Kasem, Don Bustany, Tom Rounds and Ron Jacobs. The program is hosted by Ryan Seacrest, who took over the program from Kasem upon his 2004 departure. It is currently presented as an adjunct to Seacrest’s weekday radio program, On Air with Ryan Seacrest.
Originally a production of Watermark Inc. (later a division of ABC Radio, now Cumulus Media Networks), AT40 is now distributed by Premiere Radio Networks in the United States, Canada, Australia, the Philippines, Singapore, China, India, the United Kingdom, Malaysia and several other territories worldwide. It can also be heard on both the iHeartRadio application and the AT40 Mobile application on mobile smartphones and tablets as well as on Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles.
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