Prayer, Best way to strengthen your relationship with God

Generally speaking, there are two types of prayers; one is for material benefits and worldly gains or issues, the other one is for spiritual gains. Regardless of what type of prayer it is, the basic belief remains the same. Prayer is an undeniable method of communicating with God. Hence, prayer can be regarded as the food for the soul.

It is all about what you believe. Prayer gets stronger with faith; more the faith and trust you put in your prayer, greater the chances of it getting answered. Many people don’t believe in praying but those who do know well the benefits and peace which regular praying delivers.

Although the advantages of prayer are endless, the greatest benefit one can derive from praying is the relationship that is developed with the God and then with the people you pray for. In a way it also strengthens your existing relationships. When you pray for someone, you develop a feeling of sympathy for them and feel the closeness for them. It is this connection that develops and strengthens the relationships with people.

There is no one way of praying; it can vary from individual to individual. You can pray alone on your own in solitude, or you can participate in family prayer. Prayer has no one language; you can utter words of prayer, it can be a simple thought in your head or a plea in the heart. God listens to all forms of prayers and understands all the languages of the world.

Although you can have a direct contact with the God, there are some people who are dearer to God than others owing to their righteous deeds and good actions. These are saints and pious people who are favorites of God. When we seek the help of these people and ask them to pray, the chances of our prayer getting answered increase. That is why there is a common trend of asking each other to pray for everyone. You never know whose prayer gets answered.

To facilitate this belief, there are many platforms through which you can seek help. Several websites offer online help and guidance in this regard. You can also make a prayer request online where you can ask virtually the whole world population to pray for you. The saints regulating these platforms pray for you too.

Among worldly prayers, there are many types including prayer for love, or prayer for sick where you ask people and saints to pray for the sick ones around you, prayer for thanksgiving which is done to offer gratitude, prayer for the dead or prayer for healing, and family prayer which focuses on prayer for children or marriage. Many online prayer websites teach proper ways of praying each type of prayer and many help you by providing a platform where you can interact directly with the saints and ask them to pray for you.

No matter what platform you use, either online open prayer or very private personal one, remember to put in lots of faith and trust for without these elements, prayer is nothing but mere words either spoken or unspoken.

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